Tuesday, October 14, 2003


This is my must-see TV show of the week. I watch it for no other reason than it's totally engaging, unreal, and the plot keeps surprising me. And it has a female as the heroine in a television landscape that has precious few of those. I know it's "only" TV. Sydney Bristow (Jennifer Garner) is this ... spy. Now she's in with the good guys (?) the CIA. It's impossible to explain the plot, so the best thing to do is go back to ABC on cable, maybe on New Years Day 2004, when they will do a marathon and you can catch up. Are there any morals to the story? Hmm. Do you mean personal or social? Or both? What drives it is the ongoing quest for what is right. You can ask, right for whom? And is anyone "good" all the time? It's a soap opera on high gear. I won't explain "Alias" to you - if you see it, you'll get it. This is pure escapism, but the going is smart.

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